Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Does A Triple Beam Laboratory Balance Work?

Schopenhauer &

At the very end a few English notes

women at least he did not appreciate themselves, and that he was one for 20 years a kind of compensation had to pay rent, because he was brutally thrown out of the house, it was probably not milder. By Arthur Schopenhauer is talk, and who may seek a proof "than the women " reading.

I wavered quite know if I should write something today about Schopenhauer or Johann Philipp Eduard Gaertner , the latter died on 22 February 1877, the other was on this day in 1788 in Gdansk born. But on Gaertner, who I respect very much, will find something to . So I went to read Schopenhauer again and had decided in the end, to say nothing about him, and instead to present his gefledderten aphorisms. It was surprisingly entertaining. Since I had sorted the way to the (successful) upgrading of my state of mind the images of last year, to serve a few Aufhübschung this Beitrages.Es Schopenhauer follows (deletions are mine), on the quotes I have refrained from mental dullness, envied

For example, while some of the others because of the interesting events that have pushed him in his life, he should it rather the perception envy, which lent those events the significance they have in his description, for the same event, which in a clever head is so interesting, would, conceived by a flat daily head, even a cup scene from the his everyday world.

Each is in his consciousness, as in his skin, and lives directly only in the same: therefore it is not from the outside to help a lot.

From this so people realize how much our happiness depends on what we are, from our individuality, while usually only our destiny only what we have or what we imagine, brings into account. The fate but can get better: it is also in the inner wealth that he not ask for much: however, remains a fool a fool, a dull block of a dull block, until his death, and he would be surrounded in paradise and houris.

A witty man in complete solitude, in his own thoughts and fantasies excellent entertainment while on a blunt the ongoing Variety of companies, shows, rides and amusements, not to ward off the boredom can torturing. A good, temperate, gentle character can be satisfied under poor circumstances, while a covetous, envious and evil it is not their riches. But now even the one who constantly has the pleasure of an extraordinary, eminent spiritual individuality, the most commonly sought pleasures are entirely superfluous, yes, but distracting and annoying.

But real wealth, ie great plenty capable little to our happiness, so many rich people feel unhappy, because without proper Mental culture, without knowledge and therefore are without any objective interest, which could enable them to mental employment.

So what one has in himself is his life's happiness the most essential. Just because of that, usually, so very little is felt most by those who are about the struggle with the need also, basically just as unhappy as those who bother to be still there. The emptiness of their interior, the fade of her mind, the poverty of their spirit drives them to the company, which now consists of just such but, because: everyone enjoys an equal. Since then commonly hunted on Kurzweil and entertainment that they initially in sensual delights, in pleasures of every kind and finally looking at excesses. The source of the terrible waste, by which so many, rich in life entering family son, its great heritage by often brings in a short time is really none other than the boredom, arising from the just described poverty and emptiness of the mind. So a young man was outwardly rich but inwardly poor, sent into the world and now sought in vain through the outside to replace the inner wealth by wanting to receive anything from the outside - the old men analog, which seek to strengthen themselves through the evaporation of young girls. This then led in the end bring about the internal poverty also the outer one.

comes Accordingly, for good or bad, put serious accidents aside, less on what one encounters in life happens as to how he feels, that is the nature and degree of receptivity in all respects. What one is in itself and has in himself, in short, the personality and its value is the sole directly to his happiness and well-being. Everything else is indirect, therefore, its effect may be frustrated, but never of the personality. So just looking at is the envy of the implacable personal preferences, as well as the most carefully concealed is.

The general survey shows us, as the two enemies of human happiness, the pain and boredom.

says so with the greatest rights Aristotle: happiness belongs to those who satisfy themselves. For all external sources of happiness and pleasure are, by their nature, subject to highly uncertain, awkward, transitory and likely to chance, therefore, even under the best circumstances, easily falter, and yes, this is inevitable, if not yet always at hand can be. Thus, while there is

the lives of others in stupidity by their densities and endeavors entirely to the petty interests of personal welfare and directed this to miseries of all kinds, so unbearable boredom it attacks once the employment increase with those purposes and they are rejected themselves by only the wild fire of passion some movement in the halting mass to bring able, so the other hand, the equipped with vast mental powers man is a thoughtful, consistently lively and meaningful life: occupy decent and interesting items it whenever it may be left to them, and in itself it carries a source of the finest pleasures .

... Those first on the other hand sufficiently known ... the essence of the thing, the root of all the properties that characterize the Philistines. It is thus a man without a spiritual need. From this it follows now do many things: first, in regard to himself that he is without spiritual pleasures; after the above-mentioned principle: There is no real pleasure without the real need for it. No desire for knowledge and harmony to their own will, enlivened his existence, and not to actually aesthetic pleasures, which the former is used as well. What still delights of such a nature as fashion, or authority, aufdringt him, he is as a kind of forced labor possible to dismiss shortly. Real. Pleasures for him are those who are sensible: by this he holds harmless. Accordingly, oysters and champagne are the height of its existence, and everything that contributes to physical well-being to give, is the purpose of his life. Happily enough, if that makes him much to create! For those goods to him already imposed in advance, so it is inevitable victim of ennui, against which will be every imaginable tried: Ball, theater, board, card games, gambling, horses, women, drink, travel, etc. And yet it goes all against the boredom out where possible lack of spiritual needs of the intellectual pleasures makes. Therefore, even the Philistines, a dull, dry seriousness that is approaching the animal, own and characteristic. Nothing delights him, nothing excited him, nothing gained share from him. For the sensual pleasures are soon exhausted, the company consists of just such Philistines, will soon get bored, the card game last tiring. At best, it still remain the pleasures of vanity in his own way, which made for the fact that he in wealth, or rank, or influence and power, others meet in which he will be honored, therefore, or the fact that he at least with those who Emini like, and so has use in the reflective glory of their suns. - From the established basic property of the Philistine follows, secondly, in respect to others, that since he has no intellectual, but only physical needs, he will seek that this, not the one that is able to satisfy. Least of all is therefore among the demands he makes on others, be any overwhelming mental capacity: rather, these are exciting when they burp him, his reluctance, indeed, his hatred, because he only one annoying feeling of inferiority, and to feel a dull, secret envy, which he most carefully hidden by making it even seeks to conceal himself, but making just such times, to a silent rage grows. Never, therefore, it will occur to him to be measured by similar properties his appreciation and respect, but it will remain exclusively reserved for the rank and wealth, the power and influence than that in his view, the only true advantages are to excel in which also wish would be. - All this, however, it follows that he is a man without spiritual needs. The great suffering of all philistines is that idealities give them no entertainment, but to escape boredom, always require the realities. These are in fact some will soon be exhausted, which they maintain, instead, fatigue, sometimes they bring about harm of any kind, and while on the other hand idealities are inexhaustible, and in itself innocent and harmless.

This, therefore, our existence in the opinion of others is, as a result of a specific weakness of our nature, consistently struck far too high, although already could teach the slightest reflection, that, in itself, for our happiness , is negligible. It is therefore hard to understand how much each man inwardly pleased, whenever he noticed signs of the good opinion of others, and his vanity is flattered somehow comfort him ... Often, on real disaster or the sparse, flowing with that for him the two, thus far treated of the main sources of our happiness, the signs of foreign applause: and, vice versa, it is astonishing how much each violation of his ambition, in some sense, degree, or ratio, type of contempt , neglect, disrespect him infallible insults and often hurts deeply. As far as this property is the sense of honor is based, may they be many, for the good behavior as a surrogate of their morality, of salutary effects, but to their own happiness of the people first on this very important peace of mind and independence, it has a more disturbing and disadvantageous than beneficial one. Therefore, it is ... advisable to set their limits ... and that great sensitivity to foreign opinion to moderate as possible, both where it is flattering, than where it happens woe: for both depend on the same thread. Its also the slave of others' opinions and foreign Bedünkens. Accordingly

will contribute a real assessment of the value of what is in and of itself, against what is merely in the eyes of others, much to our happiness.

at all but it is with us in life, such as hikers, before which, as he strides forward, accept the things other characters, as they showed in the distance, and transformed as it were, as he approaches. Especially, it goes with our so desire.

In terms of our weal and woe, it is ultimately a matter with which the consciousness is satisfied and busy. meet

Himself, his everything ourselves in all that can and say all mine I carry with me is surely our luck, the beneficial properties: hence the saying of Aristotle: The Self-sufficient is the happiness, - not too often repeated can be.

to in himself so much that one does not require the company is already so very fortunate because almost all our sufferings spring from the Company and constitutes the peace of mind that next, the health, the most essential element of our happiness, danger from any society and is therefore not exist without a significant degree of solitude.

particularly in youth fixed the target of our happiness in the form of some images, which we envision and often the half, indeed remain throughout life. They are actually teasing ghosts: for we have reached them, they melt away into nothing by making the experience that she did nothing of what they promised to make.

To see the world, it is useful to a large take stock of care and consideration: by the former one is protected from damage and loss, result of the latter argument and Handel.

Most people are so subjective that basically no interest in it, all alone as they themselves why is it that they think with everything that is said to be immediately and any incidental, even a remote relation to anything they customize their entire attention to the tears and take possession, so that they left over for an objective subject matter of the speech, no comprehension, and also that are no reasons why something with them once their interest or their vanity precludes the same. Therefore, they are so easily dispersed, injured so easily offended or hurt that one of whatever it is, objectively speaking with them, not enough can be careful before any possible, perhaps negative relationship worth of what is said on this and tender self that you have going on: all alone on this them is located, nothing else, and while for the true and accurate and beautiful, fine, funny the other's speech without meaning and feeling, they have the most tender sensitivity to each, what hurt even to the remotest and indirectly, their petty vanity or in any way detrimental to their most precious objects even reflect could ...

True, true friendship is a strong, purely objective and entirely disinterested participation in the weal and woe of others, and requires them to identify a truly getting back to the friends. The selfishness of human nature is so very contrary, that true friendship is one of the things that we, as the colossal sea snakes, do not know if they are fabulous, or somewhere there.

therefore rightly says Gracian, "The only way to be popular, is that one with the skin of the most stupid shirts" is but spirit and mind set of the day, only an indirect way, all the rest their disability. and stupidity reproach. In addition, the common nature falls into revolt when its opposite is in sight, and the secret instigator of the rebellion is envy. For the satisfaction of their vanity, as you can see every day a pleasure, which goes to people about everything, but solely by means of comparison of themselves with others is possible.

is a difficult task. of course, the politeness in that it requires that we bear witness to all people the greatest respect, while most do not deserve, then, that we simulate the liveliest interest in them as we should be glad not to have them. - Courtesy of uniting with pride is a masterpiece.

Our whole life we have always held that presence, and never more. What the same distinction is merely that we see at the beginning of a long future ahead of us, towards the end but a long history behind us, then, that passes our temperament as well not our character, some known changes, making each a different color of the present results.

fluttering images of a dreamed-of uncertain fortune float capriciously chosen among figures before us, and we look in vain for their prototype. Therefore, we are in our youthful years with our situation and environment that they may be, mostly dissatisfied; because we attribute to what awaits the emptiness and poverty of human life everywhere, and with which we now make the first acquaintance, after we had expected something quite different. - Viewed

From the standpoint of the youth from, life is a long future, from the standpoint of age from a very short past

The basic characteristic of old age is the Enttäuschtsein: the illusions are gone, which until then life its charm and given the work their tail, one has the nothingness and emptiness of all the glories of the world, especially of the pomp, splendor and majesty certificate recognized, we have learned that behind most desired things and longed for pleasures puts very little and has come so gradually to the understanding of the great poverty and emptiness of our whole existence.

he did not really appreciate, and that he had to pay a compensation board for 20 years because he had thrown roughly one out of the house made him probably not milder. Arthur Schopenhauer is meant and who may seek a proof of this, could read "Of women" here.

I was pondering quite a bit if I should write something today about Schopenhauer or Johann Philipp Eduard Gaertner The latter died on 22 February 1877, and the other one was born on this day in 1788 in Gdansk. But about the painter Gaertner whom I appreciate very much, I wrote something already (it’s not translated, sorry). So I went to read Schopenhauer again and decided in the end not to say something about him, and instead to present his plundered aphorisms. It was surprisingly amusing. Since I sorted the images of last year as a way to (successful) improve my mood I present a few to let this article look neater…

In my German post then the quotes are following, but I think you better read the original text which you can find here . And I have to say thanks to Urs for showing me this interesting link: “ Selections from Thinking for Oneself ”.


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