The BUND Diepholzer lowland bog information on its web pages about the wide viewing opportunities in the region. A very nice service is a list of "Points of Interest (POIs) that will help you interesting places in the DEM or the drive directly to Dumber can. These can be either transferred to its navigation device, or display on Google Maps can:
Larger Map
Another recommendation is the book " birds observed in northern Germany " by Christoph Moning and Felix White . We present 56 areas between Sylt and the Cologne-Bonn bay. The authors provide detailed information on what time of year you can find out which types best observed. In four of the featured areas I'm either on a regular basis on the road or at least, was already there (Dümmer, Diepholzer lowland bog, Weseraue of Minden and Steinhorst pool). This means that 52 more sites will be visited.
Today I made my sewage in Münster . In fact, I have looked at only a small part of the area, then eventually I had enough of the wet cold weather. Still, I was able to observe, especially geese (Gray, Canadian, Nile and White-fronted Geese), gulls (lots of laughter and, unfortunately, only a herring gull), and lapwings. The lead story of the chapter describes in the above-mentioned book, that one has at a certain lake of a specific observation hut a good chance to see beach Alpine skiers. Well, where the experts are right, because they are right:

On the way back to the parking lot I was then past a field where two white storks for food poked:

and some finds were

On the lake with the Alps beach runners could see a number of shovelers, but they were useful for shooting too far away. How well that yesterday, with significantly better weather, a couple on the upper lake was:

The colorful male

and the rather plain female

And the cheeky black-headed gulls could also wanted to see up close. Left a adult birds (gray wings, strongly colored beak and legs), right, a young animal of this year (brown spots on the wings, beak and legs paler):

dignity and the facial expression now thousands captions ... think

So, therefore, remain still 51 observation areas, which I must scour.
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