The crane season is open once again. Two weeks ago, took the first small Group of 12 adult and 4 young animals Oppenweher Fledder Reviews

A week ago, was then found in the same place to have a much larger group:

A few geese were in the area:

This weekend was the field, unfortunately, already plowed and sown again. I hope that local farmers have harvested enough corn fields remain. But elsewhere, some groups and over again to find individual families.
In These two cranes I find the brown feathers between the gray interesting:

I suspect that there are still relatively young animals, and this is the last remnants of the youth apparel. However, they already had a young bird here:

It is likely therefore to act quasi "teenage parents."
Update: In the Common Gull article expresses Ralph Schieke the presumption that it is colored feathers handelt.Was me also seems much more consistent, because the Browns actually not at all part of the youth dress is.
Today I was in the large peat bog in Lübbecke. Here, too, has this year been stopped by a Crane couple who initially had two cubs. Unfortunately, this year failed to raise their young. I was relatively surprised that a second pair stayed in the swamp. A walker told me that this was some time on site. Unfortunately I can only make photos of the first pair evidence. Possibly inspired by the competition Balzter the male to his partner:

But as I said: The season has just begun. The climax is traditionally the same time as the Brockumer market, the end of October. I just hope that the sunny and relatively nice weather persists for some time. On Saturday, the first two egrets sat at the upper lake in the trees:

Last year, they settled only at temperatures around zero in this place look. If that one is not a bad omen ...
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