Actually, you should make every mistake only once - there are so many new to choose from. This has something like this probably once Albert Einstein said. When the time was actually for his theories of relativity, in all wise sayings, which he is said to have been constantly on his own?
matter back to the topic: I had already established some time ago that I could achieve with my old lens significantly better results when I do a full stage dimmed (ie, from f/5.6 to f / 8) . I thought this would be the not quite as high quality, and that I could do without such gimmicks in my new lens. And the most recent recordings were also half-way - but somehow not really ...
DC the lens I had not bought a teleconverter. First (on recommendation of the seller) a 2-way converter. So I was with my camera on a fabulous effective focal length of 1200mm come (on small-screen format equivalent). I had already guessed that this would not work. The crane-pics with the combination were so bad that I have posted here only not at all. I have the converter then exchanged for a 1.4-fold, which I'm still an effective focal length of 840mm. And then again yesterday so I have photographed in Oppenwehe:

Funny I found this single crane, which had strayed into a group of geese (I think Grey Goose), and mitflog two laps on the field before he realized his mistake and returns to its peers:

But then I noticed the difference between this image

and this

on. The second picture was one of the few where I had (for whatever reason), again dimmed somewhat. And it is much better! No question, the distance and the misty air is not a good picture, but the crane is much sharper and the contours are not washed-Sun
Since today between weather was really good, I wanted to check again on the upper lake. This time four pictures for comparison:

I'm from the south shore of the lake the railing of the new viewing platform photographed on the north side, according to Google Maps, it is good 180 meters away. The pictures are up 1-1 cuttings. The first two pictures were taken with aperture of 5.6, the second image is sharpened. The third and fourth picture is taken with f / 8, with the last re-sharpened in the same way was. Since then though the noise is already relatively large, but because I found the pictures otherwise still well herunterskaliere, that's not really a problem. The contours are considerably better and not washed out like that!
have this knowledge I then took a picture a few other things on the upper lake:

The coot was not very far away, but receive as a motive now almost fill the frame to, is already a wonderful thing:

The grebes had this year a number of successful broods, romp currently are almost two Dozen animals at sea. However, I can not remember to have been even seen one in flight:

In a field guide, the kind known as "lazy flight." At least this chick seems to have not much practice, the style lies something miss in elegance:

The images were now definitely, as I have wished for. Now I just hope that in the next few days the sun appears again, so I can try out the newly acquired knowledge back to the cranes.
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