Unfortunately, the days have become so short that it is only at the weekend for me is worthwhile to go out with my camera. The mergansers from last week was obviously the vanguard to spy for his fellows, as is the situation on the upper lake. On Saturday were already 14 individuals:

Before, I was able to photograph the home for a few songbirds. A male Bullfinch (the female I unfortunately hammer out any useful capacity):

and a curious blue tit:

As of today Sunday we again went to its name, I'll be right back to the upper lake to see if the mergansers are still there. I could count only three, but that this figure was so nice to shoot a few rounds in the air:

But it had a lot to see other ways:
A couple of little grebes held together with ducks on the river bank, which was once the Jöllemündung:

had one then also on the other side dared:

A great crested grebe was of the company is not so pleased, and made first clear who the boss is in the ring:

In the area of Jöllemündung I could finally once again a kingfisher see:

And anglers will resent it, However, an armada of cormorants was common to fish:

From the bridge on the south bank, I then tried to take pictures of some black-headed gulls in flight. At least for the landing I caught a few:

This shall go there a nice point landing:

Let's see how the next weekend. Until then, I have to make do with what I can take pictures at the university. What regularly for a few weeks of this heron is:

Well better than nothing ...
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