One indication of the approaching winter, the animals that can currently be seen with luck on upper lake. In the winter, stay there for other species than in summer. The recently shown shovelers were an example, this is another Pochard:

And were like the already mentioned the other day egrets last year, an outspoken wintering mergansers. Today I was able to observe the first male of this season:

Sorry I've only seen it when I was once around the lake, and I had from the place the worst possible light.
This image of a willow tit are reasonably usable, I had to lighten clear

But that picture is once again such a relief that the new lens has paid off

This photo I have in the spring to make exactly the same place - who knows, maybe it's not only the same but even the same willow tit:

cranes I've obviously seen more recently, again and again but unfortunately the weather was not that great this year. At least I have not got really good photo opportunities. After all, two weeks ago I could watch this family directly on the street in front of me,

After I had my picture in the box, I wanted to turn and return down the road. Just then came by a "locals" and bangs with her car to me and to the cranes. I would imagine that the residents are annoyed by the whole fuss in Fledder the animals all right. The four cranes flew away in time and settled on a nearby field.
Finally a picture of yesterday: I always find it interesting to meet different animal species, although they often take no notice of each other. Just as these two cranes and a few deer:

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