The main building of the university is home to a wide range of birds: magpies and crows are often seen on the grass

and crows nest regularly in the blind-boxes of various offices. This Grey Heron, I had already introduced, However, I have photographed him recently then again with the big lens:

But these colleagues I have been following now for quite a while:

time he is too far away, sometimes can I just shoot him in bad light through dirty windows:

It is a Black Redstart , and on the last picture, both the male (left rear) and the female (right front) to . see The two have hatched in the last two years at university, and it was a great thing in the morning on the way are welcomed to work by the characteristic singing to which it gave the male of the top of the C-or D-tower for the best.
On Sunday I had just taken the time to get to two times before the big lens. I had to look for long, I could shoot a few feet away in a small rock garden next to the research greenhouse :

I hope the two through the winter are good because they do not make the impression to move to the south.
And I probably saw with the big camera from quite dangerous, because after few minutes a car stopped next to me the security service and I was asked what I would do about. However, it was the "black sheriff" was quite affable, and with the answer that I shoot only birds, perfectly content. Let's see when the panic is also gaining the upper hand in this country and we no longer allowed to take pictures easily by the public ...