legal assistance to doctors and patients - medical legal consultancy network insured patients of certain health insurance
who want to go to the dentist in 2010, must postpone their visit there, possibly to 2011
. Reason for the protest against the dentist that's their opinion on low fee. It should therefore only acute treatments are carried out. What patients who are affected cash
Wanted the cash Dental Federation (KZBV) does not explain. Your Chairman Jürgen Fedder joke saying only that would have reimbursed for "certain funds" in "almost all provinces" with "restrictions". also said Fedder joke of the 'World': patients of the AOK Bavaria
" buffer days, "These lasted from mid October to 31 December. Only absolutely necessary treatments would be carried out during this time. Self-care will be deleted: "Because it can be with the stamp for the bonus issue for them all." Compared to the BILD newspaper commented Fedder joke The budgets for dental treatment are used up.
Many doctors were already working at their own expense . Emergencies such as acute dental pain would be treated further.
The fees for physicians since 2007 according to regions as a whole increased
Hamburg - 24.1 percent
Thuringia - 23.6 percent Lower Saxony - Saxony-Anhalt 20.6 percent - 19.0 percent
Saxony - 18.3 percent
Berlin - 17.7 percent, 15.2 percent
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - 14.9 percent
Brandenburg - 14.2 percent Saarland - 13.3 Hesse percent - 10.8 percent
Bremen - 9.8 percent
North - 9.4 percent
Schleswig-Holstein - 7.7 percent Rheinland-Pfalz - 7.3 percent
Baden-Wuerttemberg - 3.5 percent
Bayern - 2.6 percent
The prevailing for some weeks
dispute between dentists and
AOK Bavaria and Berlin-Brandenburg
is not unknown. Even individual guild funds to pay the dentists according to their own views too little.
insured by the main banking Barmer GEK technicians, and DAK should have no problems at the dentist
. Background of the dispute is the fact that pay the health insurance
dentists different amounts of money for the treatment of their insured
. Some cash is enough budget, not for some. According KZBV missing 150 million euros. This 1.7 million patients could be treated.
The AOK has left to the announcement of the dentists responded
to treat their policyholders this year only in an emergency. "Dates for predictable treatments are always given the medium of dentists," said the spokesman
AOK Bundesverband, Udo Barske . "It was already so far nothing special, when in November, predictable treatment Dates have been agreed in January. " Therefore expect the AOK not disadvantage patients .