Although the winter and snow have hampered many of the photographs showed in the last week but still some interesting behavior.
At Upper Lake, only two sites were free of ice: the southern bridge, where gathered mallards, some of the swans (including still the black swan), Bless and moorhens and black-headed gulls. At the Jöllemündung some slightly rarer species were observed: Every once in a white egret, a few mergansers, and 27 December 80 teals. Unfortunately the weather on the day once again not so great:

The next day was sunny, but there were "only" duck still 30:

hopped Besides Seekrug some tail tits through the branches:

New Year's Day I really wanted to Obersee not because I did not want to see the mess that was left behind by the New Year Böllerei. But as the sun briefly came out, I have yet made their way - and fortunately, the legacy is not quite as bad as feared. On the west of the St. John Bach Lake I could see this young mergansers up close:

Today I will once again made the Weser from Minden to Haeven reported mainly because of almost daily by crowds of water birds was. Lock on the chamber could be seen, in fact, various ducks and gulls, but the images they were too far away. In Haeven I had hoped, as last year come across masses of swans, but that did not work out. For that I had almost run over a group of partridges. After we had all recovered from the shock, they were looking for food on a snowy field, and I was allowed to photograph it:

came at the pictures the way, a bean bag used the kindly my mother has sewn:
The similarity to " Double Bean Bag " is fully intended - when I already can do a bean bag, then can also make a really good:) was rounded off
the day then a male hen harrier, I Oppenwehe in a few minutes to find could watch for prey. Although it has served only a snapshot, but this is after all another way in the collection:

the young cranes from Christmas I incidentally on 29 December may see one more time, but today is not more. I'm not sure if I should make me so worried, or whether I am the ...
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