I have sometimes even later gifted to the (complete) birthday and I indulged in a little better telephoto lens. The gun is for me as an amateur photographer but actually two sizes too big, but others in my age buy a sports car, and there is no logical reason.
with my Sigma telephoto lens I have - succeeded a few passable photos - with a little luck. But even under optimal conditions it could happen to be always me in the lurch. This young grebes is quite borderline

but this photo from the same Series is practically useless

Although the focus measuring point was exactly on the head of the animal, the water behind it sharp. Total number of images appear "muddy."
And this is an adult grebes in about the same distance with the new Nikkor lens of:

a "disadvantage" of the new lens: It is about twice as heavy as the Sigma, which open access recordings are almost impossible (at least for me). The following photos of the last two days are almost all made from the monopod tripod, and I have to get used to this tool. The
first objective of course was the upper lake. Unfortunately at the moment not much is going on, but this young Laundry explored the shore for a few minutes:

On Passenger break I could get this over-flying harrier barely so. The moment the stand was more of a hindrance, and I almost missed it.

Today I was at the Dümmer, and in bright sunlight you could see all sorts of birds. This osprey I unfortunately missed because I was just beginning to unpack the camera. I had to brighten the picture much, as it flew almost before the rising sun:

this bird, I can unfortunately not be determined reliably. My guess is a young Wheatear:

little later a second osprey flew almost directly to me about over, and then I took too long and was too busy, until I have the camera ready to fire had:

Actually, these two marsh harriers are already too far away, but at least you can somewhat see in the picture. With the Sigma lens I could have forgotten this recording completely. romped

above the drainage ditch next to the South Road to smoke and sand martins:

I have with the camera just on it held in the hope that would be anyone to stop even in the focal plane:

Finally, I've just found an old friend. This gray goose with a pretty significant impact on domestic goose I had photographed in March :

should I practice with the new lens still but I hope to crane season in late October to be so far that I can finally make the photos I've always wanted.
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