UPDATE: After I was made to the Terms of FIFA, I've decided to remove the photos shown in this article. I believe the rules but for absolute Schwachfug, but I have no desire to mess with me an organization of alterssenilen officials, an entire armada of lawyers involved. Pity about the advertisement for the sport ...
said some time ago a colleague, he would read my blog so well, because if I would show something else than only photos of stupid birds. So I waited for an opportunity ...
And that calls itself " FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup 2010 . Bielefeld had lost after the award of the venues for the "great" World Cup next year be held as a consolation prize a number of games of "small" WM on the Alm. In addition to some group games you can here a quarter-final, a semi-final, the match for third place and the final See . And all at great prices bargains, if two games take place in one day, you can visit both with a single ticket. Yesterday I had the group games, "Brazil - Sweden" - in the stadium and "New Zealand DPR Korea". And of course, photographs.
In the first game, the Brazilians went on pretty much from start pressure:

scored the first goal but then something of a surprise the Swedes. In the second half Brazil was offset by a foul penalty - after the Swedish A rather clumsy goalkeeper striker outlined. Stupid, I was able to photograph almost anything that took place in the shadow (ie the southern end of the field), so I refer to the times official FIFA video .
splashed in all the game will be so to himself, without great game combinations, but some fierce duels. Even a few impressions:

applied here to three players for the Nigel de Jong Memorial Cup :

For entertainment off the field was also provided. I do not know if this dragon fly by looking at every game, in any case he was not accidental in the air and sympathized completely clear, with a team:
for the right Brazilian flair this Samba band saw on the East Tribune:

The Swedish team had brought along a bigger fan block - even if I do as a football layman find confusing is that they wore the same colors as the Brazilian players ...

true South American Football magic had to admire every time Brazil won a throw at the height of the Swedish penalty area. These have always come from where the player with the number 2, Leah Fortune . In Landesstudio Bielefeld the current session was launched on Monday a preliminary report , so I was prepared for the play and had the camera at the ready:

Here is the whole again in the film. And as you can see, this is not a gimmick, but may well take a goal:
the trick they can use a few times yesterday. Who knows, maybe next year they played in the A-team and we can marvel at the great World Cup. At the end of the way, the Swedish player Kristin Karlsson of the fuss was probably so fed up that they themselves showed a handspring throw-in.
went after a good hour-long break, with the game "Democratic People's Republic of Korea (popularly known as North Korea) to" New Zealand "more. Actually I had hoped to also get a Haka shown, but this tradition is well reserved until further the rugby team .
In the stands showed the fans to their sympathy for the one or the other team:

where this man had, however, run apparently:

Wales play at all in the entire tournament with ...
The game from the beginning was much more agile than the previous game, on both sides were playing good attacks. Because of the progressive shading of the playing field but I could make only a few usable photos:

In the second half was the pace a bit lower, but we were again entertained by the samba troupe, which now gain from the newly crowned mascot of the 2011er World Cup, had Karla will kick ,:

outstanding player in New Zealand was crew leader Anna Green sitting here slightly injured in the defense work:

At free kicks, they brought the ball several times dangerous enemy outside the gate. Hopefully we will see in the future more often.
The game ended 2-1 to North Korea, bringing the team already qualified for the quarter-finals added. New Zealand, however, has reached after the second defeat unfortunately no way to the final round.
As the light for me was not bright enough, I moved myself in the second half of the game on a seat higher up. From that time had not only a better understanding of the game, but I could also watch my professional competitors at work. Those with large bags:

and those with somewhat smaller lenses:

Since then I can keep up well ...
The next two games are on Wednesday, and I in Moment I leave, I might look at me too. At least I know now, where are good places to photograph, and what may be otherwise and can remain. The day began with one that is exciting for me at the entrance into the stadium: It could be taken any drinks bottles of more than 0.5 liters. That would have been perhaps even earlier mention somewhere, then I would not throw the bottle in the trash need ... I assume that this measure is intended merely to sell the food at the stadium boost. If it has been thought that the safety of spectators, a ban on smoking in the stadium would be much more helpful. If
I look at other games, the photos to be published at Picasa .
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