Thursday, November 5, 2009

Invite For 25th Birthday

swine flu?

A severely disabled

can in principle be deducted from duty jobs for disabled . But this is not possible for a severely disabled partner a law firm
, because it is not alone, but the firm

is to be regarded as an employer. employers which is on average more than 20 workers have a to pay compensation

tax if they employ not to at least 5% of employment
severely disabled, including, in principle, a severely disabled
employer is expected.
The appointment of a law firm

was rejected as this would have charged one of its partners on a job duty . For the purposes of the statutory provision, however, the firm

and not the handicapped passenger employer. It is legal distinction between a natural person acting as an individual contractor and a member of a whole person and the institution of a legal person. The account of disabled employers already represents an exception is justified because it serves the . The purpose of the Act would over-stressed if a company were already exempt from the tax if one of its institutions / his partner is severely disabled.


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