Team meeting with new colleagues
A logbook of the editorial
determine For years the work of some constants PERRY RHODAN editorial. These include the weekly dates on which we have to keep us and determine our daily schedule in advance, but also the author of the book fairs and conference. And for several years, the team meeting an important deadline for the editor - in this event are the key points for the year ahead set.
On Friday 25 February 2011, we met again in a small hotel in Neuweier, a district of Baden-Baden. The situation is still beautiful: at the edge of the Black Forest, with a wonderful view over the vineyards and the village. For the Locations outside the hotel though we did this year, no view - there were very many topics.
Klaus Bollhöfer missed due to illness for the first time at a team meeting. New here Elke Rohwer was an editor and Marc A. Herren, who as author as well as Project Perry Rhodan WeltCon participated. In addition, we invited Uwe Anton as exposé writer.
was the first part of meeting the internal points. be redistributed within the department had to work and we also had to decide who does what in future projects. This is exciting, especially because in 2011 is due not only WeltCon, it also launched a new project to market should be.
came after lunch the other issues in the series. One main aspect of the band 2600, which will be published in June 2011 and with which we will begin a new cycle PERRY RHODAN. Details about the content we already spoke with the author meeting, and now it was about marketing, promotions and other possible sales.
this resulted inevitably questions: How do we place the band in 2600 in the activities around the PERRY RHODAN documentary? What are the options to increase the subscription numbers? What digital developments ahead of us, and how do they affect the current novels?
course, we discussed PERRY RHODAN the future of the home page and on new ideas for PERRY RHODAN-Extra - and the day ruckzuck raced past us. The dinner we used, in order to recover a little, then we went back into the conference room.
The open questions were discussed focused, until shortly before eleven clock we made closing time. Then at least I felt myself a little exhausted. All the better that we would sit comfortably and then end the day left. However
's also this not out of work: Uwe Anton, Marc A. Herren and I talked about the latest hot new ideas and synopses their heads, and still later Marc developed a bold marketing idea. It was a very long evening ...
On Saturday, we used only for breakfast and for departure, I was a little tired and so taciturn. Of the ladies I said goodbye, the two authors I drove to the station. An eventful team meeting was behind us.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sample Letter For New Doctor Joining Practice
Rose Monday &
soul snapshot. Sometimes you wonder for a moment and good: should I actually call back, so that everything inevitably goes down the drain now? Just now the state of mind was open and fragile (like a wilted dandelion may, indeed, a rather embarrassing attempt to describe something). But not now, for as we respond to rouse themselves, the armor is already at hand.
Well, now was an example of an unfinished posts that I usually immediately delete the following morning, just to show once again, the reader can do here, save regularly. The pancakes I had bought yesterday, only that it was too dark for a picture, we have at this moment already Tuesday morning, so a small tribute to the carnival season just drawing to a close. The sunrise is from last night, he is more evolved by chance, the picture of course. I had to climb up a rather unpleasant overgrown hill, and had reached the top, the sun has just gone. So it is often in life. But I had already published elsewhere yesterday and got some unexpectedly good comments from very old blogger friends. This had me, quite frankly, pretty happy, so I bring it again today in gratitude to Greg, Patrick and Phillip, even if they do not read it safe be.

soul snapshot. Sometimes you wonder for a moment and good: should I actually call back, so that everything inevitably goes down the drain now? Just now the state of mind was open and fragile (like a wilted dandelion may, indeed, a rather embarrassing attempt to describe something). But not now, for as we respond to rouse themselves, the armor is already at hand.

Well, now was an example of an unfinished posts that I usually immediately delete the following morning, just to show once again, the reader can do here, save regularly. The pancakes I had bought yesterday, only that it was too dark for a picture, we have at this moment already Tuesday morning, so a small tribute to the carnival season just drawing to a close. The sunrise is from last night, he is more evolved by chance, the picture of course. I had to climb up a rather unpleasant overgrown hill, and had reached the top, the sun has just gone. So it is often in life. But I had already published elsewhere yesterday and got some unexpectedly good comments from very old blogger friends. This had me, quite frankly, pretty happy, so I bring it again today in gratitude to Greg, Patrick and Phillip, even if they do not read it safe be.
All Network Camera Network Camera
middle of Aurora
Today is all about the extra-PERRY RHODAN 12; to I need to ask in the next few days, finally, the next information on the homepage. But today is the first date on which the issue must go to the composing room.
Readers get in "Countdown" offered a number. The story of an SF thriller, to interesting insights in Aurora, the current world of Central Galaktikums - This combination we had before.
Today is all about the extra-PERRY RHODAN 12; to I need to ask in the next few days, finally, the next information on the homepage. But today is the first date on which the issue must go to the composing room.
Readers get in "Countdown" offered a number. The story of an SF thriller, to interesting insights in Aurora, the current world of Central Galaktikums - This combination we had before.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
White Gold Plated What Mean
notes to Vienna
In Vienna, I noted two evenings, a morning and a full day up with those things. Overall, several pages of notes were - some I can barely decipher because the lighting was bad in some places too.
Overall, a successful mission. The WeltCon for me in some ways now much better structured. Now, however, must first cut the notes into specific tasks "will," and so I busied myself with other things today.
In Vienna, I noted two evenings, a morning and a full day up with those things. Overall, several pages of notes were - some I can barely decipher because the lighting was bad in some places too.
Overall, a successful mission. The WeltCon for me in some ways now much better structured. Now, however, must first cut the notes into specific tasks "will," and so I busied myself with other things today.
Extra Xbo X 360 Conect
Sunday &
out of habit but then a belated brief report of today's Sunday dinner. I've tried this time to a Vorsuppe. More specifically, said it was more of a main course, but a little of it could be used as such. A vegetable soup with: To the browned onions were carrots, leeks, celery, fresh thyme, a little water of pickled cucumber, pepper and salt, were in the soup then cooked later small meatballs (minced pork and beef, an egg, some breadcrumbs, chopped thyme). The main course consisted of a really good roast pork (with Zwiebeln, Thymian und Rosmarin), dem Bratenfond wurde für die Soße noch Saure Sahne hinzugefügt, Blumenkohl. Das war es eigentlich.
Just to continue this tradition - a belated brief report of today's Sunday dinner. I've tried this time a soup before the main course. Well it was rather a main course, but a little of it could be used as a soup. To the browned onions were added carrots, leeks, celery, fresh thyme, a little water of pickled cucumber, pepper and salt, later were in the soup cooked small meatballs (minced pork and beef, an egg, some breadcrumbs, chopped thyme). The main course consisted of a really good roast pork (with onions, thyme and rosemary), to the gravy was added sour cream for the sauce, cauliflower. That's it.
roughly translated

out of habit but then a belated brief report of today's Sunday dinner. I've tried this time to a Vorsuppe. More specifically, said it was more of a main course, but a little of it could be used as such. A vegetable soup with: To the browned onions were carrots, leeks, celery, fresh thyme, a little water of pickled cucumber, pepper and salt, were in the soup then cooked later small meatballs (minced pork and beef, an egg, some breadcrumbs, chopped thyme). The main course consisted of a really good roast pork (with Zwiebeln, Thymian und Rosmarin), dem Bratenfond wurde für die Soße noch Saure Sahne hinzugefügt, Blumenkohl. Das war es eigentlich.
Just to continue this tradition - a belated brief report of today's Sunday dinner. I've tried this time a soup before the main course. Well it was rather a main course, but a little of it could be used as a soup. To the browned onions were added carrots, leeks, celery, fresh thyme, a little water of pickled cucumber, pepper and salt, later were in the soup cooked small meatballs (minced pork and beef, an egg, some breadcrumbs, chopped thyme). The main course consisted of a really good roast pork (with onions, thyme and rosemary), to the gravy was added sour cream for the sauce, cauliflower. That's it.

Kate From Kates Play Ground
This Sunday has this beautiful name. The following sermon of Mr. Roloff will explain why he called that. What I came only just in the sense is that we now know that the durability of rocks is very limited. There are just all just metaphors, we should also talk differently.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
"Look, we go up to Jerusalem, and it will all be completed, which is written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man."
Estomihi is the Latin name of this day . The word comes from belonging to Sunday 31st Psalm, which we have just prayed together. esto mihi et in domum in lapidem fortissimum munitam ut salves me. Be my strong rock and a castle that you help me, it says and that is the prayer of the one who sets out on the difficult road of suffering. Let me
is a strong rock wrote about this Sunday, as over a gate, before which we stand and we will pass through this coming Ash Wednesday. Christianity begins like every year their journey to Calvary, by the faithful the ash cross is drawn on the forehead. This cross is a memorial to the cross of the Lord but also the memory of one's own death. "Remember man that you are dust and to dust shalt be." The Passion of the time so is it only the memory of the suffering and death of Christ, but also includes our own death, and realizes the reality of our existence.
Be my strong rock and a castle that you help me!
Is not that a very obvious response? If there is a hard road ahead of me, then I will prepare for him, as I look for forces that have made me this way. This is significant not only for this area of life. have these forms of preparation and concentration in many areas - in sports, in school, in front of a transitional hospital tests before large and even small ones. The man does his body and his whole life ahead of him to a task.
We pray Christians
Be my strong rock.
We do this because we look for strengthening and support. We feel our humanity, especially is that we are looking for in such situations to the Community - to the Community of familiar people - but also to the Community of God.
But today is not just any job, testing or hard times ahead, but the Passion of Our Lord and the way in our own death.
"My time is in your hands."
Since touches us again the air of certainty that our time is running out and dies. We console ourselves with the joys of life and look with favor on the things that we might have created. Undoubtedly, however, remains that we must die and that we can not just stop at the gate.
taught in the Gospel of Jesus to us now about his impending suffering and his death. He does this not to frighten his family, but to prepare them. He wants his disciples and we understand what is in the time ahead happen. He wants the function of his passion is clear to us that it is clearly in mind that radiates from the cross of clarity in the world. Not for nothing is followed by the first announcement of the Passion in Mark, the transfiguration, which culminates in the revelation: This is my beloved Son: hear ye!
Sometimes you can experience it, that when two people were together for a lifetime and one dies, that Then soon the other wishes to die, only to be able to have fellowship with that again.
If you then find people so that it expects nothing but death, then tell us what the words of the Lord?
Dear community,
tells us what the mere fact that the word passion in not only the word suffering, but also put the word passion? We met here a suffering and loving it. The creator of the world occurs because the suffering of his creation So on much that he does not hesitate to participate. He does so two things. He has mercy on his creatures up into the deepest depths of suffering, and he gives each person the opportunity to suffering to find his life and even in their own death sympathy for the suffering of the Son of God and to his death on the cross.
The eternal promise, which is paid at the same moment lies in the fact that whoever the suffering and death of the Lord, has a share, which will also take part in his resurrection. Suddenly turns quite wonderful gateway to passion in a doorway to life.
Therefore threatened the Lord Peter, is looking for a way to avoid the ordeal and how is the unmasking of the sentence addressed to Peter Lord: not what you think of God, but what is human.
Although it is a very human and understandable reaction to Peter if he shows the suffering want to avoid. It is human and understandable, but it remains wrong.
Who the gateway to the suffering of not progressing, who his cross does not take up, who wants to save his life will also experience the wondrous transformation into a gate of life, will not follow the Lord, and he will be living . lose
Christ himself takes the trouble to prepare for his Calvary. He visits Mary and Martha, two women standing very close to him. The Evangelist Luke describes the event as follows:.
"It came to pass, as they walked, he walked into a market there was a woman named Martha, received him into her house and she had a sister. said Mary, who sat down at Jesus' feet and listened to his speech. Martha, however, made much trouble to serve him. And they came and said, Lord, do not you ask after this that my sister leaves me to serve alone? Tell her that she even attack! Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou hast much care and effort, but one is not. Mary has chosen that good part, which should not be taken away from her "
Mary sat at Jesus' feet and heard his speech to
This is but one thing unmistakably clear:.. Christ came into the world to a service us to do. He wants to teach us, he wants to explain his actions, and he will redeem us through his suffering and his death on the cross because he thus to our suffering and our death proportion increasing and to the deepest depths of death not far from God longer exists. Our God is not some great magician who transforms the world according to our wishes and our will in each case, because then he would only be just us will. In it the Lord is different from the powerless idols that the people were forced to serve, that it serves us.
piety is determined as much by what you're doing and where you serve yourself and donate and work, and believe now, please do not, I would now say: That does not count everything. Do you pray not that I say: It does not matter that generations of people built churches, altars carved, books written, or even constructed, only the roads and paths to the churches down, or pulled out the candles, or with difficulty, the cake baked and the tables are covered.
No, dear brethren, do all of us humans is good and right when it seeks to attain salvation.
Doing the Martha by the Lord not be reduced or even convicted. He interrupts by no means in their easement.
The situation changed radically only when Martha enters and says, 'Lord, ask you do not feel that my sister leaves me to serve alone? Tell her that she was also attacked!
This is the crucial point of today's sermon text, because Martha is here defined as:
What I am doing here is more important than what she is talking there.
It may even Martha has meant quite good. What they believe because they essentially is:
not I need the Lord, but it my actions
mind now it is decided whether we are doing is justified or not. Because it will determine whether we do what is necessary, when do we let Him.
Martha had him but can make. Should not you also given be what her sister had bought - she is her sister. In every community there is such that not all the same, but everyone can do his. It did not all have the same gifts, but we all have the same Lord. Under no circumstances is a gift, just because the mean is more important than other gifts, and no surrender and no action of man can take the place of what he has done for us.
The course of the year is not only a time schedule, but the festive manner in which we celebrate our Christian life and consider our actions. The course of the year is like a dance of memory, the realization of what God has done and this Sunday Estomihi the train left for dancing for a moment. We are gearing up and ask brand new, what is really necessary in our lives. At this threshold of the door to the suffering we can consider what our life has truly reliable inventory. Let us once again from everything we know today, can that it will crumble to dust. What do we then still a strong rock?
We should today look steadily at the cross and understand: It raises a great work of love, and we can participate, by having to serve us. The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto itself, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. Therefore let us consider
: What shall it profit a man if he by his action, shall gain the whole world and lose thereby damage his own soul?
And the peace of God which passes all our reason forbid, our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Amen
This Sunday has this beautiful name. The following sermon of Mr. Roloff will explain why he called that. What I came only just in the sense is that we now know that the durability of rocks is very limited. There are just all just metaphors, we should also talk differently.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
"Look, we go up to Jerusalem, and it will all be completed, which is written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man."
(Luk.18, 31)
Estomihi is the Latin name of this day . The word comes from belonging to Sunday 31st Psalm, which we have just prayed together. esto mihi et in domum in lapidem fortissimum munitam ut salves me. Be my strong rock and a castle that you help me, it says and that is the prayer of the one who sets out on the difficult road of suffering. Let me
is a strong rock wrote about this Sunday, as over a gate, before which we stand and we will pass through this coming Ash Wednesday. Christianity begins like every year their journey to Calvary, by the faithful the ash cross is drawn on the forehead. This cross is a memorial to the cross of the Lord but also the memory of one's own death. "Remember man that you are dust and to dust shalt be." The Passion of the time so is it only the memory of the suffering and death of Christ, but also includes our own death, and realizes the reality of our existence.
Be my strong rock and a castle that you help me!
Is not that a very obvious response? If there is a hard road ahead of me, then I will prepare for him, as I look for forces that have made me this way. This is significant not only for this area of life. have these forms of preparation and concentration in many areas - in sports, in school, in front of a transitional hospital tests before large and even small ones. The man does his body and his whole life ahead of him to a task.
We pray Christians
Be my strong rock.
We do this because we look for strengthening and support. We feel our humanity, especially is that we are looking for in such situations to the Community - to the Community of familiar people - but also to the Community of God.
But today is not just any job, testing or hard times ahead, but the Passion of Our Lord and the way in our own death.
"My time is in your hands."
Since touches us again the air of certainty that our time is running out and dies. We console ourselves with the joys of life and look with favor on the things that we might have created. Undoubtedly, however, remains that we must die and that we can not just stop at the gate.
taught in the Gospel of Jesus to us now about his impending suffering and his death. He does this not to frighten his family, but to prepare them. He wants his disciples and we understand what is in the time ahead happen. He wants the function of his passion is clear to us that it is clearly in mind that radiates from the cross of clarity in the world. Not for nothing is followed by the first announcement of the Passion in Mark, the transfiguration, which culminates in the revelation: This is my beloved Son: hear ye!
Sometimes you can experience it, that when two people were together for a lifetime and one dies, that Then soon the other wishes to die, only to be able to have fellowship with that again.
If you then find people so that it expects nothing but death, then tell us what the words of the Lord?
Dear community,
tells us what the mere fact that the word passion in not only the word suffering, but also put the word passion? We met here a suffering and loving it. The creator of the world occurs because the suffering of his creation So on much that he does not hesitate to participate. He does so two things. He has mercy on his creatures up into the deepest depths of suffering, and he gives each person the opportunity to suffering to find his life and even in their own death sympathy for the suffering of the Son of God and to his death on the cross.
The eternal promise, which is paid at the same moment lies in the fact that whoever the suffering and death of the Lord, has a share, which will also take part in his resurrection. Suddenly turns quite wonderful gateway to passion in a doorway to life.
Therefore threatened the Lord Peter, is looking for a way to avoid the ordeal and how is the unmasking of the sentence addressed to Peter Lord: not what you think of God, but what is human.
Although it is a very human and understandable reaction to Peter if he shows the suffering want to avoid. It is human and understandable, but it remains wrong.
Who the gateway to the suffering of not progressing, who his cross does not take up, who wants to save his life will also experience the wondrous transformation into a gate of life, will not follow the Lord, and he will be living . lose
Christ himself takes the trouble to prepare for his Calvary. He visits Mary and Martha, two women standing very close to him. The Evangelist Luke describes the event as follows:.
"It came to pass, as they walked, he walked into a market there was a woman named Martha, received him into her house and she had a sister. said Mary, who sat down at Jesus' feet and listened to his speech. Martha, however, made much trouble to serve him. And they came and said, Lord, do not you ask after this that my sister leaves me to serve alone? Tell her that she even attack! Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou hast much care and effort, but one is not. Mary has chosen that good part, which should not be taken away from her "
Luk.10 0.38 to 42
Mary sat at Jesus' feet and heard his speech to
This is but one thing unmistakably clear:.. Christ came into the world to a service us to do. He wants to teach us, he wants to explain his actions, and he will redeem us through his suffering and his death on the cross because he thus to our suffering and our death proportion increasing and to the deepest depths of death not far from God longer exists. Our God is not some great magician who transforms the world according to our wishes and our will in each case, because then he would only be just us will. In it the Lord is different from the powerless idols that the people were forced to serve, that it serves us.
piety is determined as much by what you're doing and where you serve yourself and donate and work, and believe now, please do not, I would now say: That does not count everything. Do you pray not that I say: It does not matter that generations of people built churches, altars carved, books written, or even constructed, only the roads and paths to the churches down, or pulled out the candles, or with difficulty, the cake baked and the tables are covered.
No, dear brethren, do all of us humans is good and right when it seeks to attain salvation.
Doing the Martha by the Lord not be reduced or even convicted. He interrupts by no means in their easement.
The situation changed radically only when Martha enters and says, 'Lord, ask you do not feel that my sister leaves me to serve alone? Tell her that she was also attacked!
This is the crucial point of today's sermon text, because Martha is here defined as:
What I am doing here is more important than what she is talking there.
It may even Martha has meant quite good. What they believe because they essentially is:
not I need the Lord, but it my actions
mind now it is decided whether we are doing is justified or not. Because it will determine whether we do what is necessary, when do we let Him.
Martha had him but can make. Should not you also given be what her sister had bought - she is her sister. In every community there is such that not all the same, but everyone can do his. It did not all have the same gifts, but we all have the same Lord. Under no circumstances is a gift, just because the mean is more important than other gifts, and no surrender and no action of man can take the place of what he has done for us.
The course of the year is not only a time schedule, but the festive manner in which we celebrate our Christian life and consider our actions. The course of the year is like a dance of memory, the realization of what God has done and this Sunday Estomihi the train left for dancing for a moment. We are gearing up and ask brand new, what is really necessary in our lives. At this threshold of the door to the suffering we can consider what our life has truly reliable inventory. Let us once again from everything we know today, can that it will crumble to dust. What do we then still a strong rock?
We should today look steadily at the cross and understand: It raises a great work of love, and we can participate, by having to serve us. The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto itself, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. Therefore let us consider
: What shall it profit a man if he by his action, shall gain the whole world and lose thereby damage his own soul?
And the peace of God which passes all our reason forbid, our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Amen
Thomas Roloff
Friday, March 4, 2011
Allusion In Romeo And Juliet ( Cupid And Diana)
Again a Stammtisch
As historians know the exact (I'm not one of them), I was twice in a master table PERRY RHODAN Vienna. On Friday, 4 March 2011, I was the third time there, once again in the new pub (or so).
Neither I nor the master table participants were really prepared. This may have meant that it was very nice: there was just no program and therefore there is no rigid end of the evening. I bravely answered questions, good I drank my beer and ate my portions.
Beautiful evening!
As historians know the exact (I'm not one of them), I was twice in a master table PERRY RHODAN Vienna. On Friday, 4 March 2011, I was the third time there, once again in the new pub (or so).
Neither I nor the master table participants were really prepared. This may have meant that it was very nice: there was just no program and therefore there is no rigid end of the evening. I bravely answered questions, good I drank my beer and ate my portions.
Beautiful evening!
Nintendi Dsi Games Pin Number
over the soul of places
I'm sure, should someone open for any crazy ideas out However, the possibility of Germany's cities by about the year 1900, to visit, he would believe he wander through a dream. Places not only of finely structured, captivating beauty, but also with soul and past. Not exclusively, of course, but from the starting point of what we know today, I did.
I'm the best will not inclined to shoot at that moment a few invectives in the direction of the current building, like later. The only thing still upset that this loss, which is done now, hardly anyone noticed, much mourned. Also this makes me suspicious of that presence. By the way, you never know how long shall hold a link, but I was overwhelmed by this that something makes them come alive, by the way It is the Germany of 100 years ago, there were some changes.
I'm sure, should someone open for any crazy ideas out However, the possibility of Germany's cities by about the year 1900, to visit, he would believe he wander through a dream. Places not only of finely structured, captivating beauty, but also with soul and past. Not exclusively, of course, but from the starting point of what we know today, I did.
I'm the best will not inclined to shoot at that moment a few invectives in the direction of the current building, like later. The only thing still upset that this loss, which is done now, hardly anyone noticed, much mourned. Also this makes me suspicious of that presence. By the way, you never know how long shall hold a link, but I was overwhelmed by this that something makes them come alive, by the way It is the Germany of 100 years ago, there were some changes.
Home Made Atv Log Trailer
mission to Vienna
I'm in Vienna: Author Interview with Leo A. Luke and Marc gentlemen. Important issue here: the PERRY RHODAN-WeltCon. Among other things, it's about the details of the "show items".
So far it all very exciting. Where yesterday we then also a lot of fun had to play table tennis. Must come to such a nuisance we have to get ...
I'm in Vienna: Author Interview with Leo A. Luke and Marc gentlemen. Important issue here: the PERRY RHODAN-WeltCon. Among other things, it's about the details of the "show items".
So far it all very exciting. Where yesterday we then also a lot of fun had to play table tennis. Must come to such a nuisance we have to get ...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How Many Calories Are In Chinese Curry Sauce
Photos without chattering
Even if the last post here on the blog already a while ago, I was photo-technically not completely inactive. But there was no real special features for which would have been worth a longer article. For all those interested in my current photo, was again referred to the Photo Gallery on my web site , there are always quite close in time to find recordings.
I'm just about to complete my photo equipment. A good tripod head is already bought the matching stand is coming soon, right now I am still using an older. Then I'll write again in more detail. I've been trying lately to take pictures of the upper lake gulls in flight:
It struck me above all, how stupid are some people who can not be argued out of it to feed the waterfowl. If they could at least give the animals adequate nourishment in appropriate portions. This is actually already cruelty to animals:
The Common Gull in the first picture for a while flew with the piece in the throat, without that she could swallow it.
Then maybe a few photos that you have to not get upset:
Even if the last post here on the blog already a while ago, I was photo-technically not completely inactive. But there was no real special features for which would have been worth a longer article. For all those interested in my current photo, was again referred to the Photo Gallery on my web site , there are always quite close in time to find recordings.
I'm just about to complete my photo equipment. A good tripod head is already bought the matching stand is coming soon, right now I am still using an older. Then I'll write again in more detail. I've been trying lately to take pictures of the upper lake gulls in flight:

It struck me above all, how stupid are some people who can not be argued out of it to feed the waterfowl. If they could at least give the animals adequate nourishment in appropriate portions. This is actually already cruelty to animals:

The Common Gull in the first picture for a while flew with the piece in the throat, without that she could swallow it.
Then maybe a few photos that you have to not get upset:

Beaty Shop Invitation Text
Friederike Princess of Mecklenburg
That the breakdown of civilization 20th Century continued to be effective, can be read in many ways. At the barbarism of modern building about. Messy and demolition, there has been not only in East Germany. In it reflects an attitude towards the traditional, ranging from indifference to hostility-Disrespectful.
came to this remark, when I came across the story of Friederikenschlößchens . It was demolished in 1966 in fairly windy reasons ("dry rot", "furniture beetle", later the then city architect Rudolf Hillebrecht the reasons advanced to accommodate more traffic, the construction of a subway line, the storage of building materials for the civil engineering office, a temporary road for emergency vehicles, but really only wanted to create space for a new Lower Saxony State Chancellery, the site now a grassy area next to the "Waterloo beer garden" is!).
1817 built it Georg Ludwig Friedrich Laves for the General Carl-August of the elderly, the King of Hanover, the neo-classical palace acquired in 1837 for his wife Friederike . Friederike Luise Karoline Sophie Charlotte Alexandrine, Duchess of Mecklenburg was on 2 March 1778 in Hannover born. Her father, Duke Charles II of Mecklenburg was governor there, and represented as such, the English King George III., Who was also Elector of Hanover, which forced this not to appear personally at some point. Fred was the youngest sister our revered queen, and even though she was rather in the shade: Schadow At least she did with her immortal.
When Charles II was a widower again, he gave his children in the care of his mother, Princess George "in Darmstadt, which proved a godsend for both. 1793 met the "woman I see," Friedrich Wilhelm II "by chance" on the two sisters in the theater and decided at the same time, she to marry the Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm and his younger brother, Friedrich Ludwig. Fred was in contrast to her sister, whose husband was even difficult, but eventually developed a strong attachment, not necessarily hit the jackpot, despite three children. In 1796 but died of her own, and it was clearly unpleasant for them. To make it short, you found ways to console himself for the loss and it was pregnant! 1798, it therefore had the Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Solms-Braunfels marriage, which heard their cry for help, the result was still the distance from the court.
died in 1814 her husband, a well, also quite unstable person, she really had mostly bad luck with men, and all the plans about a possible divorce were therefore invalid, but had long since Duke Ernst August of Cumberland, a prince of the Hanoverian one eye on them, they were married on 29 Mai 1815th 1837 King William IV died of Great Britain and due to varying laws of succession, there was now more famous Victoria in the British Empire and the Duke of Cumberland was when Ernest Augustus I, King of Hanover and Queen, for a few years, what a very sad Pointe .
That the breakdown of civilization 20th Century continued to be effective, can be read in many ways. At the barbarism of modern building about. Messy and demolition, there has been not only in East Germany. In it reflects an attitude towards the traditional, ranging from indifference to hostility-Disrespectful.
came to this remark, when I came across the story of Friederikenschlößchens . It was demolished in 1966 in fairly windy reasons ("dry rot", "furniture beetle", later the then city architect Rudolf Hillebrecht the reasons advanced to accommodate more traffic, the construction of a subway line, the storage of building materials for the civil engineering office, a temporary road for emergency vehicles, but really only wanted to create space for a new Lower Saxony State Chancellery, the site now a grassy area next to the "Waterloo beer garden" is!).
1817 built it Georg Ludwig Friedrich Laves for the General Carl-August of the elderly, the King of Hanover, the neo-classical palace acquired in 1837 for his wife Friederike . Friederike Luise Karoline Sophie Charlotte Alexandrine, Duchess of Mecklenburg was on 2 March 1778 in Hannover born. Her father, Duke Charles II of Mecklenburg was governor there, and represented as such, the English King George III., Who was also Elector of Hanover, which forced this not to appear personally at some point. Fred was the youngest sister our revered queen, and even though she was rather in the shade: Schadow At least she did with her immortal.
When Charles II was a widower again, he gave his children in the care of his mother, Princess George "in Darmstadt, which proved a godsend for both. 1793 met the "woman I see," Friedrich Wilhelm II "by chance" on the two sisters in the theater and decided at the same time, she to marry the Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm and his younger brother, Friedrich Ludwig. Fred was in contrast to her sister, whose husband was even difficult, but eventually developed a strong attachment, not necessarily hit the jackpot, despite three children. In 1796 but died of her own, and it was clearly unpleasant for them. To make it short, you found ways to console himself for the loss and it was pregnant! 1798, it therefore had the Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Solms-Braunfels marriage, which heard their cry for help, the result was still the distance from the court.
died in 1814 her husband, a well, also quite unstable person, she really had mostly bad luck with men, and all the plans about a possible divorce were therefore invalid, but had long since Duke Ernst August of Cumberland, a prince of the Hanoverian one eye on them, they were married on 29 Mai 1815th 1837 King William IV died of Great Britain and due to varying laws of succession, there was now more famous Victoria in the British Empire and the Duke of Cumberland was when Ernest Augustus I, King of Hanover and Queen, for a few years, what a very sad Pointe .

Johann Gottfried Schadow, Louise of Mecklenburg and Frederica of Mecklenburg
found here
found here
Should I Claim 0 Or 1
The number of the day
Unfortunately, "Mister," I said in my mail too seldom. Today was one such case. Among other things, I deleted the "sent" emails.
577 mail in November - that is the balance. Here, the first week was free because I was not in the office, nor even in the country, but on vacation. And yet, I wrote so many emails, I think I should worry sometimes slow to change my life.
Unfortunately, "Mister," I said in my mail too seldom. Today was one such case. Among other things, I deleted the "sent" emails.
577 mail in November - that is the balance. Here, the first week was free because I was not in the office, nor even in the country, but on vacation. And yet, I wrote so many emails, I think I should worry sometimes slow to change my life.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Harvard Initiation Strip
Extra 12 with steam
yes I almost forgot it: The Extra-PERRY RHODAN 12 must be in the next few days already in the composing room. The manuscript is available, I have already read into it we need's actually "edit only". And I have to write some advertising copy.
is Thematically it extremely interesting. It's about Aurora, the central world of the Milky Way, and Julian Tifflor the Zellaktivatorträger. And it is about a planned attack, which has a special countdown. More soon then ...
yes I almost forgot it: The Extra-PERRY RHODAN 12 must be in the next few days already in the composing room. The manuscript is available, I have already read into it we need's actually "edit only". And I have to write some advertising copy.
is Thematically it extremely interesting. It's about Aurora, the central world of the Milky Way, and Julian Tifflor the Zellaktivatorträger. And it is about a planned attack, which has a special countdown. More soon then ...
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