This was the title of an event of NABU (Nature Conservation Association) Bielefeld, where I have participated this evening. Under expert guidance, we once went to the upper lake and took a look, especially the water birds.
Unfortunately the weather did not correspond entirely to the high summer temperatures, the sun was all the time hiding behind a cloud cover. Therefore I could only just starting to make a few brief shots of the red kite, the apparently regular orbits at 18 clock at the viaduct (where I had seen him yesterday even at the same time, after the observation at 22.6. ):

But he flew directly over us, which is a rather impressive sight:

That was a good entrance. In the next two hours we took a look at all permanent and temporary residents of the lake. Because as I said I could make no more pictures, here are the pictures from Sunday morning, find the perfect photo weather prevailed:
At the Jöllemündung were to see several young and old coots. The adults can not seem to choose one of the nests, or disturbed again and again. You could see them swing steadily in recent days from three places:

least four pups from previous broods but have a size is reached, with which they should be out of the woods:

Also in the field of Jöllemündung were several Grey Heron on the road, here one of them:

somewhat "exotic" are already often mentioned, Little Ringed Plover, which have now two Green Sandpiper joined (on Sunday there was only a)

see while on Sunday only a headed Gull Lake was

there were already a few more. Near the island on the southern ridge were the same six.
the conclusion of the round back on the viaduct, was then the crossing of a hawk, I would even bet that it was the same copy that I could photograph the other day .
On the tour but only a new way for me was while I had not seen the upper lake (a Reed Bunting), but I'm going to check out next time more determined . Take It usually takes me for a "Obersee Round" about half the time, but I just see even a fraction of what I saw today.